I conducted a survey asking 15 SPU students who are currently commuting. Here are the results:
The relationship between commuting students and their form of transportation is shown above. It is very evident that the majority of commuting students tend to transport via car. With there being bus stops all around campus, I wasn’t startling to see that the second most used transportation was taking the bus. With the nice weather approaching and Fremont being a very bike-friendly location, I was surprised to see that there weren’t more students transporting via bike.
As attending classes is part of a routine that can be up to five times a week, I decided to ask commuting students about how far their typical commute is. With a variety of different answers ranging from 1 to 15 miles, commuting students have to take into account the time it takes to get to class to be present on time. Typically, most commuters don’t have to travel very far, anywhere from 1-4 miles being the most common is about a 6-8 minute drive. There are some commuters who have to carve out a bit more time to get to class. As shown in the data, there was a total of five people who travel 9-15 miles on a regular basis, making commuting a larger part of their mornings. Although distance in miles is something nonnegotiable as it can be measured, how long it takes someone to travel depends on your form of transportation.
Last but not least, I decided to ask about whether commuting students regularly bring or pack a lunch on a daily basis. With SPU students being surrounded by food options, whether it be on campus or nearby, the larger majority of students stated that they purchase lunch. There also is a good handful of students who regularly choose to bring lunch from home, which in the long run is a great option for saving money. This is important to consider as it brings in the financial aspect of what commuters typically do in regard to food as the large majority of them don’t have access to Gwinn.